Free Implant Consultations

Paayal Shah

BDS, MFDS RCS(Edin) MOral Surg, PG Diploma ClinEd, Oral Surgeon

GDC no: 211571

Paayal Shah

Payaal graduated BDS (Lond) in 2011.
She then went to work in Oral Surgery including The Luton and Dunstable Hospital and Lister Hospital, Stevenage.

She has several papers published including one in the prestigious Dental Update Journal :
The risks of delayed oral cancer detection in primary care

Paayal is a registered specialist oral surgeon with The General Dental Council.

She currently is a locum Consultant in Oral Surgery at the Lister Hospital, Stevenage as well as working for the on call Trauma Service at the Luton and Dunstable Hospital covering Beds, Herts and Bucks.

Please contact reception for a private appointment, or speak with your own dentist for referral via the N.H.S. Minor Oral Surgery service.