Free Implant Consultations

Our Core Values

About Us

This is a family Dental Practice where we believe in a preventive approach and attach the utmost importance to helping you achieve the best dental health. We will initially conduct a thorough examination for every new patient and advise of any necessary treatment.

We are happy to discuss optional treatments such as cosmetic dentistry, and if you have any queries, we are always glad to answer them.
We have many preventive techniques to help you maintain a healthy mouth. To benefit, it is wise to attend periodically for examination and advice. We will be pleased to send you a reminder letter.

We particularly welcome children from the earliest years so that they may benefit from our preventive advice.

We try very hard to make them feel at home.

If they embark on the correct pathway early, their teeth should be ‘for life’.

In addition to gentle diet and oral hygiene education, we believe in fissure-sealing children’s molar teeth, making sports mouth guards and other preventive techniques.

Nervous patients will find our friendly atmosphere reassuring. Disabled persons can be treated in one of our ground floor surgeries. Please let us know if you require a ground floor surgery when booking an appointment